6 Recommended Actions For Getting Started With Employee Experience
Employee Experience Design is the intentional and active two-stage process, where the first step involves discovering and defining core employee experience issues in an organization; then comes designing and building experience solutions.
Getting started with designing and improving employee experience can be overwhelming. The following six recommended actions can guide those beginning their employee experience design journey.
Actions For Getting Started
- Create a Vision for Change - Creating a vision for change helps identify a direction, establishing confidence in the project, and attracting necessary resources. The vision should establish an image of the kind of memorable employee experiences we want to create.
- Decide on Goals - A vision explains where we are going; goals describe how we are going to get there by identifying our priorities and focus points. The vision and goals form the foundation of the employee experience project. Kickstarting employee experience without building this foundation is likely to end in disaster.
- Take the Employee Perspective - Employee experience design requires empathizing with employees and striving to understand employee perspectives. In practice, this means giving employees a voice and taking the time to listen to what they have to say.
- Secure C-Suite Ownerships - Securing C-suite ownership and
leadership support is absolutely necessary for successful employee
experience projects. Without ownership, the employee experience initiative will lack the confidence and credibility so essential to achieving results. - Involving the Whole Organization - Company-wide participation secures rich feedback, diverse perspectives, a multitude of ideas, and robust solutions. Furthermore, participation also reduces resistance.
- Starting with the Basics - Employee experience design doesn’t need to be rocket science. It’s good advice to start working with the common “moments that matter” throughout the employee’s journey.
Next Steps
Following these 6 actions would guide you in the first steps of improving employee experience, however, fundamentally transforming the employee experience of your organizations, takes dedication and a long term effort. Next steps could include looking into design thinking, which is truly helpful in process of improving the employee experience.
Read the whole story about Employee Experience in our Whitepaper. Sign up for our free Whitepaper here.
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